Graduate Program Handbook

In February, 2004, the Graduate Faculty in Linguistics adopted a new set of milestones defining satisfactory progress in the doctoral program in Linguistics. Two years before that, the Faculty adopted a new set of rules concerning the non-thesis option Master of Arts degree. This page is currently being updated to incorporate those changes.

Old Handbook The old rules and milestones were described in Section IV of the Department Handbook #31. Students who are following the older milestones should continue to refer to these rules.

New Handbook

Students who enter the program in Autumn 2004 and subsequent years, and all students in previous cohorts who have chosen to switch to the new rules, should refer to the working draft here.


Forms and deadlines

This directory contains program of study planning forms and the 2nd- and 3rd-year paper acceptance forms in various formats. It also contains the current calendar from the Graduate School for events relevant to graduating in a particular quarter, and a rolling calendar of milestones for the year.


Graduate School Handbook

The Linguistics Graduate Program Handbook supplements the Graduate School Handbook which collects in one place the general rules, policies, and guidelines for students and faculty in any graduate program at the Ohio State University. There are rules and policies about matters ranging from the minimun course load for a student with a Graduate Associateship to the formatting specifications for the dissertation.

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Last Modified: June 15, 2005