Instructions to presenters

Long papers

Long papers have a 25 minute slot in the proceedings. Long paper presenters should prepare an 18 minute talk. Session chairs will allow 4 minutes for questions, and 3 minutes will be allowed for moving between sessions. Please contact the AV volunteer for your session in the break before your talk to arrange for your presentation to be placed on the hotel's computer. We prefer you to bring your presentation, on portable media, preferably in the form of a PDF, and not to use your own computer unless absolutely essential.

Short papers

Short papers have a 15 minute slot in the proceedings. Long paper presenters should prepare an 10 minute talk. Session chairs will allow 4 minutes for questions, and 1 minute will be allowed for moving between sessions. Please contact the AV volunteer for your session in the break before your talk to arrange for your presentation to be placed on the hotel's computer. We prefer you to bring your presentation, on portable media, preferably in the form of a PDF, and not to use your own computer unless absolutely essential.